TRADEANNEX®.Trading ERP Software
By Devesh Dwivedi
Presently offered Business management software for SMB do not do what they are supposed to do - give business owners managerial control of the business at a cost they can afford. Managerial control means access to up-to-the-moment actual revenues and costs on sales reps, locations, products, jobs/projects, customers, and internal activities. It also means real time information about the company’s working capital position. And, for SMB owners, it means access to this information without significant time and effort in manual processes or customization of reporting and business intelligence tools. These straightforward facts go a long way to explaining why a good business software/ERP system is the number 1 software need for SMB and wonder why no company has yet successfully penetrated this market. First let us talk about the term “ERP”. ERP stands for “Enterprise Resource Planning”.
One ERP which standout and has been a boon to its users is “TRADEANNEX®”. Let us start with the word “TRADEANNEX®”. TRADEANNEX® has been derived by the combination of two words, “Trade” and “Annexure”. The meaning of the word TRADEANNEX® is “the annexure of your trading business”.
TRADEANNEX® is an end-to-end solution for your trading business. It is a suite of integrated business management tools for growing Traders. Applying the leading business practices of the industry and technologies, it provides a comprehensive solution for small-to-medium sized trading houses covering all areas from customer management and supply chain to accounting, with a robust security system.
Having more than 100 reports, TRADEANNEX® eventually makes one independent from the third party, by giving you the desired data on a click of the button. Imagine what if your accountant is on leave and you need the data instantly? Why to spend numerous hours and resources just make the required VAT reports? Why to spend hours to reconcile the bank statements?
This is where software like TRADEANNEX® helps you, as most of the Traders today rely on more than one software for their Trading processes. TRADEANNEX®, a windows based ERP software is tailor made for the trading environment. Use of single software also eliminates the hassle and wastage of important resource i.e. time in entering same data again and again. This raises the chances of human errors drastically. Every module of TRADEANNEX® is integrated with each other, hence providing all the relevant and required reports once the data is entered.
TRADEANNEX® covers all the trading processes and activities, thus eliminating need of any other software to complete the whole trading operation. It is classified into eight modules viz ; Financial Accounting, Sales, Purchase, Inventory, Excise Processing for traders, Sales tax processing, Income tax processing and Management Information System. Thus covering right from quotation generation, order processing, billing & dispatch till payment collection.
TRADEANNEX® allows you to export the data from various reports in more than 20 Formats. It can also integrate your communication devices (E-mail/Fax) to complete your business operation speedily and effectively. Different types of transactions have different windows – but you can open more than one at a time and toggle between them to multi task your activities as required. Hence increasing the productivity of your organisation considerably.
TRADEANNEX® helps you search your accounts, products, vouchers, documents, invoices, purchase orders, etc. easily through wild card (*, ?, #, etc.) search engine on various fields
TRADEANNEX® simplifies your life by giving all the VAT reports on a click of the button, reconciling the bank statement electronically in few minutes, get the billing history of a party item wise. Not just that, TRADEANNEX® gives you the entire customer profile on a click of a button. Since it is a server based software, it enables you to execute the same function on more than one PC and giving the real time data when enquired.
Let’s talk about the core of any trading business, the sale and purchase of goods. TRADEANNEX® starts from the Quotation stage. It gives you the flexibility of absorbing the Rate and Technical Specification of the items, from the master itself. Having the option of line level narration, the same item can be renamed as per the customer’s requirement. You can also mention the Terms & Conditions pertaining to the particular quotation only. If required these terms & conditions can be automatically reproduced for the future quotations by just clicking a button. These contents can be edited or deleted if required. TRADEANNEX® gives you the flexibility of generating a quotation addressing a specific prospect without populating the item master.
You can enjoy the benefit of picking a quotation to a sales or purchase order, with the facility of editing the contents of the quotations, i.e. you can absorb a sales order to purchase order or a sales invoice. Hence it save lot of time and resource and help you attain high level of accuracy.
How many of us remember the transaction details for every individual customer with respect to every item? Hats off to you if you can do that, but don’t worry if you can’t do so. TRADEANNEX® can show you the entire billing history of any customer with respect to any particular item!!! So if you are using TRADEANNEX® and somebody approaches claiming to enjoy an unacceptable percentage of discount, you can cross check it at the time of invoicing itself and yes just on click of a button.
TRADEANNEX® provides you the options of first generating a Challan and then an Invoice or directly generating a ‘Challan cum Invoice’. It also allows you create a single invoice on multiple challans or vice-a-versa. With TRADEANNEX® you also generate Excise Invoice, Cash Memo, Service Invoice, Performa Invoice or a Free Description Invoice.
TRADEANNEX® is the ideal software to maintain your inventory if you have a huge array of items. You can maintain your stock in sub-classification tree structure method, hence enabling you to know your exact stock level, item wise, warehouse wise & MODVAT and Non-MODVAT wise. You also view the flow of the stock by just double clicking on the item in the ‘Stock Viewer’ window. TRADEANNEX® gives you the flexibility of maintaining the stock FIFO wise, Lot wise or Serial number wise. What do you do incase of one of the items gets damaged or goes missing from your stock? TRADEANNEX® allows you to set off such items from the books and get your records correct. Now no worry of losing a customer due to stock outs. Reorder level, set by you, helps you order for fresh stock when your stock of a particular item goes down the desired level.
With TRADEANNEX® you can get various reports like Stock Book, Stock Statement, Delivery Order register, Goods Inward/Outward Register along with Item details and most importantly the Stock Valuation report. You can get the stock valuation report either, All Inclusive rate wise or Tax exclusive rate wise or Master Purchase price wise or even Item Lot wise valuation. These reports are accompanied by many more reports in terms of inventory management.
Using TRADEANNEX® you can seamlessly and accurately maintain the excise records and yes, without entering any other voucher other than Invoices. It is so perfect with respect to excise that it does not allow you to save any excise invoice even if a single field is empty. It maintains the RG23D register, Form 2, Annexure D, Statement of revenue, Gatepass Details and what’s more it even gives you ‘Pending MODVAT Stock and Duty’ report.
Let’s talk about the most important and the reason behind any business, Accounts. TRADEANNEX® allows you to maintain any number of companies for any number of financial years. With TRADEANNEX®, you can get ‘User defined Balance Sheet Heads’, ‘User defined Trading Accounts Heads’, ‘User defined Profit & Loss Account Heads’. It also allows you to open any number of Ledger Accounts and Cash/Bank Books.
With TRADEANNEX® you can get from the basics of book keeping like Cash/Bank vouchers, Journal vouchers and their registers, outward/inward credit/debit notes, Ledgers to the accounting needs like Balance Sheet and its schedules, trading account statement, Profit & Loss statements, Trail balance, Loans Payable/Receivables, Interest Payable/Receivables etc. TRADEANNEX® carries separate voucher series for Cash and Bank transactions, making the flow of funds crystal clear. It helps you adjust ‘Account Receivable’ and ‘Account Payable’ every transaction wise. You can pass JV based Debit & Credit in single Cash/Bank voucher.
TRADEANNEX® also gives a great freedom and flexibility of assigning different credit limits & periods to different customers individually. Why to spend hours to reconcile the bank statements? Auto Reconciliation feature of TRADEANNEX® electronically reconciles the bank statements, thus saves lot of your precious time so that you can use it for other revenue generating activities.
TRADEANNEX® helps you comply with all VAT requirements and generate the relevant reports just on click of a button. Few of the VAT reports generated are Sales summary, Purchase summary, Sales Tax wise stock statement, Sales Vs Purchase etc. You can also print the required VAT Forms directly irrespective of the state you are from.
Maintaining the TDS records have never been as easy as in with TRADEANNEX®. We can record the TDS deduction by simply passing a JV. What’s more you can print a completely and correctly filled Form 16A directly from the software.
The most important and highly useful section of TRADEANNEX® is the “Management Information System” reports. It gives virtually every record the management could desire for. The amazing MIS of TRADEANNEX® helps you to analyze, identify and manage critical business areas, thus helping to take important business decisions.
Just imagine getting the entire data of an individual account on a click of a button. The Customer Profile option in TRADEANNEX® gives the entire customer information like, Contact Details, Amount Due, Overdue amount, Pending sales tax forms, Pending Quotations and Product wise purchase analysis.
In the ‘Sales’ section of MIS, you can get reports mentioning share of a customer in your turnover, enabling you to analyse the most important customers to your company irrespective to the number of transactions done. It also provides you the data like ‘Monthwise sale’, ‘Classwise sale’, ‘Itemwise - Partywise sale’, ‘Partywise - Itemwise sale’ etc
The ‘Purchase’ section of MIS, provides you with ‘Partywise purchase’, ‘Partywise - Itemwise purchase’ and ‘Itemwise - Partywise purchase
TRADEANNEX® provides various sales and purchase data in form of charts. Few of the charts available are ‘Sales Value’, ‘Classwise sales quantity’, ‘Classwise sales value’, ‘Broker-wise sales’, ‘Salesperson-wise sales’, ‘Top 10 Customers’, ‘Top 10 Group’, ‘Industry segment-wise sales’, etc. reports in sales and ‘Purchase Value', ‘Classwise Purchase Quantity’, ‘Classwise Purchase Value’, etc. in purchase.
The biggest worry of the management when using such sophisticated softwares is to prevent the misuse of their ERP software, yet get the maximum output from the staff. The ‘Security’ module of TRADEANNEX® provides you with ‘Form Level’ security. i.e. it allows you to set the level of access a particular staff should have in any particular window. For example, you can allow Mr.X to create a quotation but stop him from editing the same. You can allow Ms.Y to create a invoice but she should not edit and/or delete it. Every event that occurs in TRADEANNEX® – initiated by any user – is logged. You can review the logs to identify the source of any exceptional transaction that may have occurred.
TRADEANNEX® has quite a good number of success stories to its credit to prove this claim. The icing on the cake is the fact that today TRADEANNEX® is endorsed by a principle company who are giants in their respective field.
ERP software is a highly expensive proposition for any organization with long implementation times, but TRADEANNEX® Trading ERP system has the unique advantage of being a ready-to-use software product and will completely revolutionize the way you do your Trading business. For an ERP software TRADEANNEX® Trading ERP Software is a relatively inexpensive product and compared to the returns it is going to give you in terms of time and cost savings, accuracy of information, dramatic reduction in manpower, increased profitability in your business, immediate reduction in your business tensions, your small investments will be recovered before you even realize it.
Now you can decide, if you wish to keep worrying about the paper work, human errors, the presence and attention of your accounts person, busy rechecking the invoices and registers again and again or use TRADEANNEX® forget these issues completely and invest your time and energy to race past the bests in business and take your business to new heights!!! |