Knowledge Base |
What is TRADEANNEX®? |
General |
TRADEANNEX® is a window based trading ERP software. It covers almost every aspect of a trading business. Few of the modules in TRADEANNEX® are; Sales, Purchase, Inventory, Financial Accounting, Excise processing for traders, Sales Tax processing, Income tax processing and Management Information System. |
How TRADEANNEX® can help in improving my business? |
General |
If you are using TRADEANNEX®, then you don’t need any other software for running you business. Hence lot of the time of your staff wasted in double entry is saved, Also resulting in less human errors. A consistent interface across all modules ensures a small staff wearing many hats easily navigates the system. In turn you achieve greater productivity per employee!!! |
What is the history and credentials of TRADEANNEX®? |
General |
TRADEANNEX® came into inception in 1995-96. It was being used at 4 pilot sites and on approval of all 4 of our esteemed customers was launched as a product in late 2004. Today we can proudly boast of implementing TRADEANNEX® for 100+ customers.
TRADEANNEX® also has the distinction of being endorsed and suggested by principle companies who are giants in their respective segments. |
Can I export reports generated in TRADEANNEX® in other formats? |
Data Exchange |
Yes, every report in TRADEANNEX® can be exported in multiple formats. E.g. PDF, Excel, Word, XML, HTML, Rich Text Format, etc. |
Can I directly email/fax from TRADEANNEX®? |
Data Exchange |
Yes, reports from TRADEANNEX® can be directly emailed/faxed, provided all necessary hardware and system softwares are in place. |
Can we get the billing history of a customer, item-wise? |
Sales |
Yes, we can get the entire billing history of a customer as per every single item at the time of preparing the invoice and that to on a click of a button. |
Can we get the list of pending sales tax forms list? |
Sales |
Yes, we get various reports such as Pending Followup list, Pending Submission list, Receipts, Reminders etc. |
Is it possible to generate the Bills Receivable report? |
Sales |
We can generate the bills receivables reports based on various criteria such as Part-wise, Broker-wise, Salesperson-wise, Group-wise, Region-wise, Bill older than (period), Bills within (period), Bills of Value <, >, =, =<, => etc |
Is it possible to generate the Payment reminder report? |
Sales |
We can generate payment reminder of 3 types i.e. Fresh, Reminder 1 and Reminder 2 |
Is it possible to assign Party-wise credit period and credit limit? |
Sales |
Yes, it is possible to assign Party specific credit period and credit limit.
We can also assign Transaction-wise Credit period. |
Is it possible to generate the Payment reminder report? |
Sales |
We can generate payment reminder of 3 types i.e. Fresh, Reminder 1 and Reminder 2 |
Is it possible to assign Party-wise credit period and credit limit |
Sales |
Yes, it is possible to assign Party specific credit period and credit limit.
We can also assign Transaction-wise Credit period. |
Is it possible to get quotation register and status report of pending sales orders and invoices in TRADEANNEX®? |
Sales |
Yes. We can get the pending status reports for various operations, like pending sales invoices, Pending sales orders SO-wise, Item-wise, Party-wise etc.
We can also get a report of quotations with various combinations of Party-wise, Salesperson-wise, Broker-wise, Agent-wise and depending on status of the quotation i.e. Open, Awarded, Lost and Terminated. |
Is it possible to generate the Bills Payable report? |
Purchase |
Yes, we can generate bills payable in various formats such as Wide format, Narrow format, etc. |
Is it possible to get the status report of pending Purchase orders and invoices in TRADEANNEX®? |
Purchase |
Yes. We can get the pending status reports for various operations, like pending Purchase invoices, Pending purchase orders PO-wise, Item-wise and Party-wise etc. |
Can we get the stock Status godown-wise from TRADEANNEX®? |
Inventory |
You can maintain any number of godowns in TRADEANNEX®. Godown-wise stock maintenance is extremely easy with TRADEANNEX®. |
Does TRADEANNEX® support Excise processing for traders? |
Excise |
TRADEANNEX® is extremely reliable software when it comes to Excise Processing for Traders. You can maintain the RG23D register, Form 2, Annexure D, Statement of Revenue, Gatepass Details and the Pending ModVAT Stock & Duty report. |
Can we segregate ModVAT & Non-ModVAT stock using TRADEANNEX®? |
Excise |
We can maintain stock domain-wise i.e. ModVAT – Non ModVAT wise stock as per every godown in TRADEANNEX®. |
Is it possible to get the balance ModVAT duty on the balance stock? |
Excise |
Using the Pending ModVAT Stock & Duty report in TRADEANNEX®, one can get the balance ModVAT duty on the balance stock. |
Can we get the VAT reports from TRADEANNEX®? |
All reports pertaining to VAT such as Sales Vs Purchase, Sales tax-wise Stock Statement, Sales Summary, Purchase Summary, VAT setoff report are available in TRADEANNEX®. You can also get VAT return Forms of few states. |
Can we get Item-wise sales/purchase reports? |
In the MIS section of TRADEANNEX®, we can get various reports such as Item-wise Party-wise Sales, Party-wise Item-wise Sales, Item-wise Party-wise Purchase, Party-wise Item-wise Purchase. etc |
Can we get Party-wise sales/purchase reports? |
In the MIS section of TRADEANNEX®, we can get various reports such as Party-wise Sales, Party-wise Item-wise Sales, Item-wise Party-wise Sales, Party-wise Purchase, Party-wise Item-wise Purchase, Item-wise Party-wise Purchase. Etc.
One of the report which can help the management tremendously is the Customer Profile. You can get every relevant data pertaining to a customer in one single screen. |
Sales/Purchase analysis in form of charts? |
We get various categories of data with respect to Sales and Purchase in form of Charts |
Can we get customer-wise data on click of a button? |
The Customer Profile option in the MIS section of TRADEANNEX® provide every single data regarding a customer. e.g. Overdue Amount, Due Amount, Credit Period/Limit, Sales Invoices, Pending Quotations, Product-wise Analysis, etc. And what’s more you don’t have to make one single additional entry to get the above data.
Using the Quick Ledger option in TRADEANNEX® we can get the details of every Transaction of an individual party. |
Can we give operation-wise access to a group in TRADEANNEX®? |
Security |
The Security Module allows the management to assign group-wise access with respect to operations to every user. e.g. If Mr.A is allowed to only view the sales invoices he cannot delete, modify or create a new one. |